Charity, Education, Lifestyle, Parenting

Eurotel grants scholarship to Pamantasang Lungsod ng Maynila Scholars Foundation, Inc. (PLMSFI) students

We all know that Pandemic hardly hit our lives, businesses slowly went down and worst leads to closure. All people suffers financially — employed from being unemployed, contract workers to non-income at all. Our youth is the most affected individuals from this chaos.

If there’s another lesson that the pandemic has brought us, it is the importance of education. While schools are reopening in some corners of the world after pandemic induced closures, the Philippines remain its classes shutdown due to COVID-19 crisis. With this, education is no exception, this catastrophe has exposed the numbers of insuffeciencies and partiality in our education system.

We’re thankful and grateful that some private companies are willing to help and prioritize helping children and youth in their education, like Eurotel Hotel. Through the initiative of Mr. Edmundo G. Las, Director of Eurotel Hotel, they are sponsoring 10 students from Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila Scholars Foundation, Inc. (PLMSFI) for the year 2020-2021.

“As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program, we at Eurotel Hotel are glad to helpout by granting these students the opportunity to learn and grow despite the pandemic. We believe that educationon is a vital part of growing not only as a person, but a responsible Filipino as well. I hope that they will not forget our simple gesture thus, learn to share with people whenever they can.” Mr. Ed Las shared.

Eurotel Hotel continues to take further its cause in extending help to the community, by helping PLMSFI scholars who are in need, despite the current pandemic situation.

“We are aware that in these trying times; education is not something to be overlooked. As we extend our assistance to these gifted individuals just as we hope for a better future. Like PLMSFI vision, we believe that no student must be deprived of a good college education. There is an old Chinese proverb that goes, “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody, and true happiness are found in helping others.” Mr. Edmundo added. The PLMSFI was established on August 1998 by a group of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila (PLM) baccalaureate graduates it aims to preserve and promote the mark of PLM model university for the less privileged, intellectually deserving students of Manila. As of today, PLMSFI has fifty (50) scholar beneficiaries. Their goal for the next five years is to double the number of scholars or more and that would become possible if they can get more sustainable donations.

Dr. Edmundo G. Las, Director of Eurotel

“Even before the pandemic, there were major holes for many poor or low income families in the country who struggle to pay tuition fee for schools and lack of resources to cover emergency expenses. In this time of pandemic, all we need is care. We need more sensitivity. We need more people to care about one another; we should not let this pandemic, driven down the will and eagerness of the children and the youth to brighten up their education. Actions can really create hope,” the Director of Eurotel said.

True enough that the most generous heart remains humanity. We salute with great honor the persons behind Eurotel Hotel for being a ray of sunlight amidst chaos.

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