COVID, Education, Event, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Operation, Parenting


1. UVC Disinfection of Rooms, Utensils, Key Cards & Cash
-Sogo was the first hotel, as early as March 2020, to use UVC (254nm) to fight Covid-19. Taking the cue from hospitals abroad, remote-controlled carts have been deployed for room disinfection. Compartments for utensils, key cards and cash were also fitted with UVC LEDs but kept away from personnel since 254 nm UVCs, while great for killing viruses may harm the skin and eyes.

2. FAR UVC Disinfection at Elevator Lobbies
-After extensive research, Sogo has acquired and tested the FAR UVC 222 nm lamps that effectively kill viruses while being harmless to humans. Just recently (2020 Q4) produced commercially, it is quite expensive and is sold by only a few manufacturers abroad. Sogo is the first hotel to install these revolutionary excimer lamps in all its elevator lobbies.

3. UVC Disinfection for Room Aircons
-All room aircons are to be fitted with specially manufactured UVC LEDs. Through germicidal irradiation, the UVC light attacks the DNA/DNR of micro-organisms, killing bacteria and viruses, and preventing their spread. As it is turned on with the aircon, room air is always sterilized each time it passes through the unit, ensuring the best possible room air quality for our guests.

4. Ventilation ACR is Doubled in Lobbies & Hallways
-The ACR (Air Change Rate) or the number of times the air is replaced for all general spaces is set at ≥ 4 per hour by ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating & Air-Conditioning Engineers). Sogo is doubling its current ACRs for intensified inflow of covid-free fresh air to accelerate indoor air replacement.

5. Covid Sniffer Dogs for Screening of Employees
-Dubai and Helsinki Airports have deployed Covid sniffer dogs to screen passengers and report a > 94% accuracy rate with dogs detecting the virus days before symptoms even start. Sogo has tied up with a leading K9 company, to have specially-trained Belgian Malinois dogs regularly screen its personnel for Covid.

6. Thermal Scan Controlled Doors
-For most branches, guests on their own, can get scanned before entry and if within the safe temperature limit, main doors will open automatically without need of any contact.

7. Microbial ATP Fluorescence Testing of Surfaces
-ATP (Adenosine TriPhosphate) Testing measures ATP content to indicate the presence and amount of microorganisms. Each branch has an Anti-Covid Team that regularly swabs high touch point surfaces that pass through ATP Fluorescence Detectors to verify microbial presence and effectivity of the new protocols.

8. Anti-Microbial Coatings on Furnishings, Fixtures & Touch Points
-Widely used in hospitals and mass transports in China, Hong Kong and Japan, these Polymer coatings are formed after spraying millions of nano-capsules with contact killing and anti-adhesion features that lasts for weeks. It effectively kills bacteria and viruses, including H1N1 and Covid. Sogo applies this over all furnishings and touch points.

9. Reduced Touch Points with No-Contact Fixtures (with photos of no-contact fixtures)
-A Sogo study shows that pre-pandemic, guests had a minimum of 59 Touch Points (TPs) during a typical hotel stay. Due to new protocols that include contact-less fixtures, TPs have been reduced by 40.7% with the goal to achieve a reduction of 66.1% with more advanced technology centered on cellphone use.

10. Multi-Stage Air Purifying Equipment in Lobbies
-To further sanitize indoor air, Sogo installed air-purifying equipment having several levels of filters: Pre-filter, Activated Carbon, HEPA (H11), with built-in Cold Catalysts, Ion Generators and UVC lights that eliminate allergens and pollutants such as dust, pollen, odor, bacteria, viruses, and even reduces carbon dioxide levels.

11. No-Contact Key
-Specially designed key (keychain) to avoid touching. This is one of our giveaways included in some of our promos.

Ang SOGO nag-iingat, parang Pag-iingat mo!

❤️ Mama Farrah

Education, Food, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Parenting

PH’s 1st Stevia grower-manufacturer bullish on financial outlook despite the pandemic

Glorious, popularly known as the country’s first Stevia company, is positive on its outlook despite almost 2-years in the pandemic as more and more people turn to healthier alternatives, sales of stevia products continue to grow.

According to agribusiness finance giant Rabobank, Stevia’s sales are expected to hit $700 million worldwide in the next few years.

Consumers in the Philippines can now get their calorie-free sugar needs from natural alternatives. Before, stevia was restricted to the health food market without any FDA approval. Recently, it is now widely used as a natural substitute for artificial sweeteners in many products.

“Stevia has been touted as a safe and healthy sugar substitute with proven health benefits. It can sweeten foods, and it has several health benefits, including decreased calorie intake, lower blood sugar levels, and less risk of cavities,” said Maura De Leon, the woman behind Glorious, the country’s first stevia grower and manufacturer.

While it has zero calories, stevia is 200 times sweeter than refined sugar and does not affect blood sugar. It is a popular option for people looking to lose weight but who want to reduce their sugar intake.

Stevia is an herb that has been grown in tropical climates for centuries. It is a small bushy plant that belongs to the sunflower family and grows in Paraguay and Brazil, but it can be quickly grown elsewhere. For centuries, the people of Paraguay add them to their foods as sweeteners, and countries like Korea, Brazil, China, Japan, and South America, have long used stevia.

Stevia products such as teas, juices, healthy coffees, chocolate beverages and natural sweeteners, manufactured by Glorious, are approved safe by the Food and Drug Association (FDA) even for people who have diabetes.

“Stevia is much sweeter than sugar, so you don’t have to add much. It’s good to note that the Philippines is also catching up on the use of this natural sweetener in various food preparations,” added De Leon.

Stevia is a natural sweetener taken from the leaves of a bushy shrub. The Stevia plant or (Stevia rebaudiana) has 150 species known to have originated from North and South America. Currently, it is produced by lots of countries, with China as the number one exporter of stevia products, and can be purchased at garden centers for home growing.

People who have diabetes can benefit from stevia. Choosing pure stevia extract can help maintain normal blood sugar levels and should be used in moderation. Stevia can also help cut down added sugar consumption, which can be beneficial for children. High sugar intake in children could lead to heart disease due to reconstructing triglyceride and cholesterol levels, contributing to children’s weight gain. Substituting added sugar for stevia can minimize these risks. At the same time, moderate consumption of foods with stevia and other sweeteners can prevent adverse side effects and promote overall health.

What’s even better is that you can add Stevia to make healthy desserts which are diabetic and keto friendly. This is great for people who have a sweet tooth but can’t indulge because of health restrictions.

Incidentally, all Glorious Blend beverages— from the 3-in-1, 5-in-1, 7-in-1 mixes, use Stevia which has no calories, no carbohydrates, and zero glycemic index. All of their instant drinks will keep you alert and energized throughout the day.

For more information about Glorious, the Stevia Company, check out

Diet, Healthy Living, Parenting

Coffee That’s Really Good For You: Glorious, Isn’t It?

For decades, coffee had received a bad reputation. Besides allegedly triggering high blood pressure, insomnia, and hyperacidity, the Filipino habit of adding lots of sugar and cream to one’s cup has been said to aggravate diabetes.

While there’s no denying the Pinoy coffee fan his morning cup, there is concern over the amount of sugar present in commercial 3-in-1 coffee mixes. The leading brand has 14.6 grams of sugar in one 20-gram sachet alone. Imagine how much sugar you’re taking in if you drink an average of three cups of coffee a day.

What About Sugar-Free Coffee?

For health-conscious individuals, especially diabetics, turning to sugar-free coffee mixes seems to be the only option. This meant enduring tasteless cups of coffee just to satisfy their caffeine fix —until Stevia came along.

Stevia is the low calorie, zero sugar sweetener that tastes so much better than artificial sweeteners.

Stevia is an herb with a sweet-tasting extract that comes from the leaves of the Stevia rebaudiana plant. It has been enjoyed since pre-Columbian South America where indigenous people used the herb to sweeten their tea and other drinks.

The plant’s taste stems from steviol glycosides, molecules which are 250–300 times sweeter than regular sugar.

It became popular among health-conscious individuals because stevia has a very low caloric content. This makes it perfect for dieters and people who are trying to lose weight.
Moreover, Stevia makes coffee and tea taste so much better without adding any calories.
Aside from beverages, Stevia is also used as an alternative sweetener when cooking or baking.

The Health Advantages of Stevia

Stevia is a safe, healthy sugar substitute that can sweeten up food without the negative health effects of refined sugar. It’s also associated with several impressive benefits such as reduced calorie intake, managed blood sugar levels, and minimized risk of cavities.

Additionally, while other sugar substitutes like Aspartame have been linked with cancer, there’s no evidence linking stevia to cancer since it is a natural ingredient.
This means you can add stevia to dishes and drinks without fear that you’re taking too much sugar, or that you’ll get sick a few years down the road.

For coffee lovers, it’s also good to note that locally-made Glorious Blend coffees and instant beverages have Stevia as its natural sweetener. The blend of natural and healthful ingredients make the drink not only refreshing and safe, but also good for one’s overall health.

The Glorious Blend boasts a full line of healthy drinks, including a 7-in-1 healthy coffee mix. This special blend is made with proven medicinal ingredients like Malunggay, Mangosteen, Calcium, Gotu Kola, and sweetened with Sweet & Fit Stevia. What’s even better is that the Glorious Blend 7in1 Coffee is non-acidic and promotes regular bowel movement.

The Glorious line-up also includes the 3-in-1 coffee mix with Stevia; 7-in-1 choco mix; 4-in-1 coffee with Malunggay; 5-in-1 coffee mix with Brown Rice; and the MaxiTrim coffee.

All Glorious Blend beverages use Stevia which has no calories, no carbohydrates, and zero glycemic index. All of their instant drinks will keep you alert and energized throughout the day.
Also, Glorious Blend products are locally sourced and manufactured. Their company supports local farmers, stevia growers, and other agricultural communities.

So if you’ve been cutting back on drinking coffee because of health problems like diabetes or hyper acidity, Glorious Blend coffee mixes are here to help. You can enjoy all the aroma and flavor of freshly made coffee all day —without the guilt!

Now, you can drink coffee for better health! Glorious, isn’t it?

For more information about Glorious Blend coffee mixes, check out

#1stSteviaCompanyInPH #PH1stCoffeewithStevia #GloriousBlend #NoSugarAdded #DeliciouslyNatural #SalgadoPR

Baby, Education, Finance, Gadgets, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, New Product, Parenting

Simplify your Life and Spend Less

One of the best things with living in the Philippines is the relatively low cost of living. As compared to other countries, we get to enjoy a lot of necessities and even luxuries at a lower price. Sadly, however, electricity is not one of them. The Philippines currently has the 2nd highest electricity rate in the whole of Asia. Given this fact, it’s only natural to look for all opportunities one can have in saving and being energy and cost efficient.

Global leader and technology innovator LG Electronics has been at the forefront of designing with the consumer in mind. Nowadays, it isn’t enough for home appliances and electronics to be just state-of-the-art. It has to be at the same time, cleanly designed, simple, minimalist, multifunctional, and above everything, energy and cost efficient.  

LG’s advances in Inverter technology has always been about innovating towards one goal – less energy consumption, more savings for the end user. Through efficient design, consumers can live a lifestyle they’ve always dreamed of without having to worry about the electric bill every second. Each product has been designed in such a way that it goes above and beyond what’s expected.

The LG Smart Inverter Washing Machine, for example, is so energy efficient that it can use only 67wh (watt hours) of energy to do a cycle – less than what it takes to iron a shirt or 4 minutes of using a blow-dryer. For refrigerators, LG’s Inverter Linear Compressor keeps your food fresh longer by maintaining temperature fluctuation within ±0.5℃. This allows you to cook with fresh ingredients every day for your family, and minimizes spoilage. With air-conditioners, staying cool is made more efficient with the LG DUAL Inverter Compressor which reduces energy use up to 50%. Given our tropical climate and humidity, your family can enjoy a cool breeze whenever they want while using less electricity.

LG is designed to make life better. Whether it’s energy and cost efficiency, connectivity across multiple devices, or even artificial intelligence, every facet of LG’s design is conceptualized with efficiency and simplicity, giving you and your family more time and more savings.


About LG Electronics

Life’s about more than having the latest technology, rather, it’s about the experiences technology creates that impact our lives. LG Electronics Philippines delivers consumer electronics through top-of-the-line home entertainment, home appliances, and air solution products, that prepare Filipinos for their greatest moments. LG promises to bring “Innovation for a Better Life” nationwide – from Luzon, to Visayas, and Mindanao.

For more details, log on to, like @LGPhilippines on Facebook and follow @LGPhilippines on Instagram.

Beauty, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, New Product, Parenting, Product Launch

Real-Life Dating Horror Stories We Can Laugh At (And Learn From)

We have all been dreaming to find the one and, the Universe will sometimes give us at least a reasonable 60% / 40% chance in winning the cards we choose to play. Most often than not, we fall into the 60% black hole along with the people who share the same dating horror stories.

We are all aware, dating is tough, it is tricky and draining. People tend to use a lot of psychological tactics and mind games as if we are in a thriller Netflix series. We get tired, but once you find that someone you enjoy hanging out with and matches your energy, you wouldn’t want to let them go.

Here are a couple dating mishaps that we can laugh at (and learn from) –

  1. The One That Got the Bill
    “I sometimes daydream of that perfect date, you know, like candle-lit dinner by the beach with my feet on the sand. I mean, it is the first date, right? So, when I met up with someone I met on a dating app, I was ecstatic! I prepared everything from the dress I would wear to the littlest things – like, the lipstick color I would use. It was all good and, I was starting to like him because we share the same interests and he was so funny! But, when it was time to pay for the bill, his eyes went wide and asked if I could pay for it because, apparently, he “forgot” his ATM card and had no cash on hand. As an independent woman who can buy and pay meals on my own, I said yes, but got really turned-off. I mean, “forgetting” necessities like ATM card and cash on a first date? The guy must have a lot on his mind.” – Jojo, PR Practitioner
  2. I Forgot That You Existed
    “I came from a long-term relationship, so dating became an alien term for me. My friend tried to set me up with his college friend and I thought, why not try? He, then, picked me up at my house and had a complete plan of what we would be doing for the day – I was amazed. I mean, a gay guy who can plan, +10 points for you! And, he was so neat and smells good that when he reached and kissed me on the cheek, no sweat and scalp odor at all (considering he just came from the gym). We were en route to our first venue when he blurted that he needed to drop by the grocery store to check on something. I said yes and decided to stay inside the car since he said, “Be back in 5!” without knowing that what he really meant was, “be back in 5 hours!” I stayed inside the car the whole day and he totally forgot I was there. I had to call my friend and tell him it was over when it hadn’t even started yet.” – Jay, Ad Guy
  3. Snow White Queen
    “My first date was with my college crush. She looked just like an angel and when I finally found the confidence to ask her out and watch movie, I was shocked that she said yes. When we met at the theatre, she was wearing her little black dress, and her hair was literally her crowning glory. But she kept on scratching her head, I shrugged it off and tried to enjoy the day with her. We were having fun not until I was about to lean my head on her shoulders and to my surprise, a flaky truth came out! An angel with flakes on her head – totally turned off. Before I brought her home, I subtly told her how anti-dandruff shampoo works magic! – Chris, Artist
  4. Thunder Thighs
    “I love meeting new people, so I go out on a date as often as I can. When I met this guy on a dating app, I thought, “pwede na.” One night, when we were having dinner, I saw him looked at the voluptuous body of the girl at the bar and said, “kapag hindi sexy dapat hindi na nagsusuot ng ganyan,” I was surprised. So, when we were done eating, I stood up and whispered, “kapag hindi naman masyadong cute hindi na dapat nagcocomment ng ganyan.” I kissed him on the cheek and walked out.” – Jem G., Broker
  5. Thank You, Text!
    “I was so excited to tell my friend how my date went, so I texted her, “girl, sobrang kinikilig ako. Gusto ko sya.” Within a second, I got a reply not from my friend, but from the guy. Turned out, I sent the text to the wrong person! It was so embarrassing that I refused a second date when he asked me.” – Chin, Student

First dates are one of the most crucial stages in meeting your soon-to-be partner and, we make sure that we put our best foot forward. But, sometimes, these dates will also either make the relationship go on forever or, stop right there and then.

This Heart’s Month, we will regain ourselves and bring back that dating confidence that was once buried six feet under. Head & Shoulders is here to help you be confident enough to put your heads together even on the first date! It also completely removes scalp odor, itch and leaves you 100% dandruff-free. You’ll never know, you might be in for that life-long promise.

Get to know more about Head & Shoulders here:

Education, Event, Food, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Parenting

Salceda proposes Universal Free Schools Meals Act to boost academic performance, guarantees nutritious meals to children in kindergarten and grade school

As part of his Comprehensive Education Reform Agenda, and in an effort to eliminate child hunger and malnutrition, House Ways and Means Committee Chair Rep. Joey Sarte Salceda (Albay, 2nd District) has filed a bill guaranteeing access to nutritious school meals for all kindergarten and grade school students.

“The most critical part of cognitive development is childhood, and when children are hungry, we cannot expect them to develop their full intellectual potential,” Salceda said. “That’s why we must consider child nutrition as part of our investment in education. Pointless kasing papasukin sa eskwela, damihan ang subject, tapos yung bata, gutom pala.”

Under Salceda’s bill, the Department of Education will implement a school-based feeding program for a minimum of one hundred twenty feeding days per school year to be done five days a week with one feeding activity per school day.

“Under my bill, children will at least be able to receive one nutritious meal while in school. The bill will also provide vitamin and mineral supplements, and milk products,” Salceda added.

The bill also encourages food production in schools, and the sourcing of food stuff for feeding programs from local farmers.

“In a sense, my bill also ensures a sure market for farmer produce. Nakakapanghinayang kapag nakikita mong nag-oovershoot ang production ng ilang gulay, kung pwede naming gamitin sa feeding program.” Salceda said.

Salceda’s proposal also encourages the DepEd to tap persons trained by the Technical Education and Skills Development Academy (TESDA) on food preparation, handling, and storage.

“In that way, one of its positive consequences is job creation and training on child nutrition.” Salceda said.

“The 2018 Expanded National Nutrition Survey of the United Nations Children’s Fund shows alarming undernutrition rates among Filipino children. Stunting is declining slowly, but the decline is marginal, from 34 percent in 2003 to 30 percent in 2018. This affects some 3.5 million children under 5 years of age,” Salceda’s explanatory note for the bill says.

“While just over 5 per cent of children were wasted, the numerical equivalent of this rate is around 650,000 children. Among them, some 300,000 are with the severest form of malnutrition and require treatment. The Philippines also has the highest rate of low birthweight – 1 in 5 children – in ASEAN.”

“These results correlate with the country’s performance in the 2018 Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa), which covered 79 countries, where Filipino students fared worst in reading comprehension and second lowest in both mathematical and scientific literacy. Underdevelopment of the brain and the body tend to result in poor performance in reading, math, science and all other education metrics.”

“As I said, we will move towards the Finnish model of education, where workloads are light, teachers teach well, students are job-ready, and school meals are guaranteed absolutely free,” Salceda said.

Earlier, Salceda has filed the Teacher Empowerment Act to lighten teachers’ administrative load and improve the quality of teaching, the K to 12 Reform Act to make students more job-ready, and the Meister Schools Act to close the country’s highly-technical skills gap. 

❤️Mama Farrah

Diet, Food, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Parenting, Woman Empowerment

Beko PH holds Eat Like A Pro: The Cook-Off Cycle 2

Pasig City—November 16, 2018–Beko Philippines, the Official Partner of everyday, conducts today its Eat Like A Pro: Cook-Off Cycle 2 at Robinsons Metro East in Pasig City.

The Mother-Children tandem is ready for their Cook-Off

The contest aims to showcase how parents and their children can work together preparing delicious, budget-friendly, and healthy meals for the whole family.

Zumba before cook-off to release tension

The cooking contest for parent-child tandem is in support of Beko’s Eat Like A Pro (ELAP) advocacy, an information dissemination campaign that seeks to help parents provide healthier food choices for their children. This advocacy seeks to raise awareness about the rapidly growing rates of childhood malnutrition due in the Philippines to unhealthy eating habits.

Mr. JP, VP of BekoPh

“We are excited to hold the Eat Like A Pro: Cook-Off for the second time. We hope that parents and their children can show us their cooking skills as their prepare healthy dishes,” said Dyeun Zapanta, assistant General Manager of Beko Philippines.

Beko successfully wrapped up the first leg of the Eat Like A Pro: Cook-Off last August 31 at the Eat Like A Pro: Cook-Off Cycle SM SouthMall, Activity Center. The winner of the contest took home a Beko kitchen showcase and Php10,000-worth of cash prize.

Here’s the Mom-Child tandem who participated the Eat Like A Pro: Cook-Off

“We want parents to know that it is possible to make their children eat healthy without compromising the taste of the meals they serve. The Eat Like A Pro: Cook-Off is only one of the things we are doing to promote healthy eating, especially among kids,” said Zapanta.

VIP and Judges of todays Cook-Off

FIRST BATCH COOK-OFF: Team Yellow and Team Red

And here’s their dishes prepared under 30-minutes. The goal is to prepare pasta healthy dish with limited ingredients.

Team Red, Rainbow Pasta

Team Yellow, Crispy Pasta with Squash (sorry, forgot the name)

THE SECOND BATCH COOK-OFF: Team White and Team Pink

Waiting for their cue.

Team White Dish

Team Pink White Pasta

FOR THIRD BATCH COOK-OFF: Team Purple and Team Blue

Team Blue – Lasagna

Team Purple – Spaghetti


The Chill Tandems according to our Host 😂[[[[[[[[[[

Team Orange: Pasta Pancake
Team Green

And the Top 4 teams won in this round is..

Congratulations everyone! Me, I also won a limited edition FiFA 2015 Messi Jersey during raffle. Yehey! And, 2 of 25 registrants daily won Beko Hood. Wooo! Sobrang saya ng winners. Gusto ko rin Sana nun, perfect sa aking Milktea Shop.

To know more about Beko’s #EatLikeAPro advocacy and Beko Philippines, like the Beko Philippines fan page (@BekoPh) or visit the website at

Sobrang nakakatuwa to witness cook-off like this. Yung mga bagets lalo na maliliit, super galing at nakakaaliw. You may check Beko Fan Page to check who won the Cook-Off Cycle 2.

Thank you for reading!

♥️Mama Farrah

Diet, Event, Exercise, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Sports, Woman Empowerment

Fitness Revolution Health and Wellness Expo

Listen up, Metro Manila! There’s an upcoming event that is “fit for you”.

Invite your friends and head on to the ABS-CBN Vertis Tent at Ayala Malls Vertis North, Quezon City on November 16, 17 and 18 to have a weekend of fun and excitement at Fitness Revolution Health & Wellness Expo.

Fitness Revolution is a gathering of the entire fitness community led by our country’s most prominent gyms such as Fitness First, Slimmers World, Anytime Fitness, etc. These gyms will be conducting group classes to the public for free during the 3-day expo. On top of that, they will also be handing out vouchers and amazing deals on club memberships.

“The fitness industry is truly tight and competitive. With that said, my team and I created Fitness Revolution to foster camaraderie and support with the end goal of promoting the concept of “health and fitness as an investment” rather than expense,” said Nesh Zamora, creator of Fitness Revolution.

It will be an interactive weekend filled with free activities to highlight and promote various classes offered by our participating gyms. There are lots of activities to choose from such as zumba, yoga, HIIT, parkour fitness, belly dance, kickboxing, pound rockout workout, body combat, women’s self defense, circuit training, cage fitness and many more.

Fitness Revolution will also be the host of major activities such as Archery Attack, indoor obstacle course, and workshops on striking protocol, poi, pole and aerial arts.

This expo will also have our leading fitness brands such as McDavid, Reebok, Puma, Roxy, Quiksilver, among others, to sell products and merchandise with huge discounts. In addition, every ticket entitles you to 15% discount on Nike, Adidas and Asics at Intersport Vertis North.

“Entrance fee is P200 only. You will get a lot out of your money at Fitness Revolution granting that a per session walk-in rate on gyms would usually cost around P500 to P700. Aside from achieving your health goals in one weekend, you also get to shop for loved ones there if you’re looking to avoid the holiday rush,” added Zamora.

Follow Fitness Revolution on Facebook and Instagram to watch out for promotions, freebies and contests. For exhibition and sponsorship, please contact 0917-890-0757.


Health & Wellness Expo

November 16, 17 & 18, 2018

ABS-CBN Vertis Tent

Ayala Malls Vertis North, Quezon City

(Near MRT North Ave. Station)

Baby, Breastfeeding, Education, Event, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, Woman Empowerment

A Mommy Forum for a Mother-Baby Friendly Philippines

Mommies unite for an afternoon to support and promote breastfeeding

Breastfeeding may be considered a challenging phase of motherhood but the physical, mental, and emotional benefits of breastfeeding for mothers and babies truly make the journey worthwhile. While more and more mothers recognize that breastmilk will always be superior compared to formula milk, there is still a need to spread awareness on its benefits and to encourage people to support breastfeeding.

in response to the global campaign of protecting, promoting, and supporting breastfeeding, World Vision Development Foundation, in partnership with the Department of Health, launched Mother-Baby Friendly Philippines. This two-year project aims to:

1. Support and strengthen the implementation of Executive Order 51 (The Philippine Milk Code of 1986), Republic Act 7600 (The Rooming-ln and Breastfeeding Act of 1992), and Republic Act 10028 (The Expanded Breastfeeding Promotion Act of 2009)

2. Increase awareness and educate health professionals and the public regarding these laws

3. Encourage people to promote, protect, and support breastfeeding by involving them in monitoring the implementation of breastfeeding laws in the country

Carleneth F. San Valentin, Health and Nutrition Technical Programme Manager of World Vision Development Foundation, beIieves that encouraging mothers to nurture their child is a way to empower a mother’s ability to breastfeed and care for their child. ”We are here to educate mothers so that they are empowered to make the right choice in nurturing and caring for their child. We want them to realize that if these laws are not implemented, we are impinging on their rights and of their child‘s,” she shared.

According to Dr. Anthony P. Calibo of the Department of Health, this responsibility to uphold the breastfeeding rights of mothers is not just the responsibility of concerned organizations and government sectors; it is a responsibility of the general public. ”If a mother is investing herself for the betterment of the future of her child, then she is also investing in the betterment of the future of this country,” he emphasized.

Anthony P. Calibo, BSPH, MD, DPPS

To stay true to their mission and vision for this project, the team conducted Mommy Forum: Mother~Baby Friendly Philippines last October 2, 2018 at Little Owl in New Manila. #MBFPH was graced by mom celebrities like Camille Prats Yambao, Jennica Garcia Uytingco and Erika Padilla.

Camille Prats-Yambao

Jennica Garcia-Uytingco

Erika Padilla, World Vision Breastfeeding Ambassador

Erika Padilla, World Vision Breastfeeding Ambassador, shared her breastfeeding journey. “It is a huge sacrifice. it is difficult, painful, and a lot of work. But definitely worth every single drop because I see my son getting stronger and healthier every day,” she recalled. Her story encouraged more moms to share and ask for more tips from Erika as well.

Rommel Fuerte, Executive Director of World Vision Development Foundation, reminds long-time moms and new moms the reason behind this gathering: the breastfeeding normalization is still a work in progress and it’s a must to constantly promote and protect breastfeeding to empower moms and to ensure a healthy start for their children.

Question and Answer Portion with the guest

To know how you can support Mother-Baby Friendly Phllipplnes, log on to or dowload MBF PH via Google Play or Apple Store.

And here’s my #MamaFarrah goodness #OOTD and #MOTD.

♥️Mama Farrah

Beauty, Healthy Living, Lifestyle, New Product, Uncategorized, Woman Empowerment

World-class natural remedy for Filipina beauty & wellness expert’s crowning glory

Hair loss is a concern for both men and women. It can have a devastating effect to anyone who experiences it.

According to Web MD, the average adult head has about 100,000 to 150,000 strands of hair and loses up to 100 of them a day, which is normal. As people age, their rate of hair growth slows, and they can experience losing more than hundreds of strands which is quite alarming. So what can you do to prevent it?

For beauty and wellness expert, Cory Quirino, embracing wellness is the first step to help improve the hair’s condition and make people look younger.

“If you choose to have a wellness lifestyle, then expect wonderful changes such as radiant skin, energy, and a general sense of well-being,” she emphasizes. “In time, you will realize that you have successfully delayed the aging process.”

The beauty and wellness expert says that choosing wellness as a lifestyle includes eating nutritious food, exercising, getting a good sleep, drinking generous amounts of water, managing stress, getting enough sunshine, and above all, staying positive.

On top of a daily healthy regimen, a supplement is necessary to maintain a healthy hair and scalp. Many people opt to use chemical-based products. But for her, the use of natural products is a must and the best solution for hair loss.

“There are hair treatment products in the market today that claim to be effective but their ingredients could contain chemicals that may prove harmful with long-term use,” she enthuses. “Choose natural. Say NO to harsh chemicals and let nature do the makeover,” she emphasizes.

Natural ingredients such as virgin coconut oil (VCO) and aloe vera are loaded with beneficial properties, which boost the health of the scalp and hair. These and much more natural herbs and essential oils can be found in NOVUHAIR, a topical scalp lotion with 19 natural ingredients that work in synergy to help prevent hair loss, which the beauty and wellness expert approves of.

“Even if I have been blessed with thick hair, I know that it has to be cared for,” she maintains. “I use NOVUHAIR topical scalp lotion once daily in the evening before bedtime. Next morning, I apply it on my scalp again, then a shampoo after 30 minutes. Those who wish to further thicken the hair, it is a must to also use the shampoo and conditioner daily.”

Eventually, she noticed impressive effects after using this breakthrough product: significant lessening of hair fall, abundant growth of tress, and the return of locks’ luster.

Apart from being effective, it’s a very safe solution, too. A local clinical study has proven that NOVUHAIR has no adverse side effects with continuous use.

Moreover, NOVUHAIR is not just for those who experience hair loss. Younger people, especially the millennials, can use it for maintenance or prevention if hair loss runs in the family.

Cory recommends NOVUHAIR to everyone, especially to those who want to maintain their hair the best way they can. For her, this globally-competitive natural product answers the needs of a discriminating, health-conscious public.

Born on August 11, the granddaughter of the late Philippine President Elpidio Quirino is an author, and television and radio host. She has been a strong advocate for natural health, beauty, and wellness for more than two decades.

“Twenty years ago, it was as simple a goal as weight loss. But when I saw the dramatic effect it had on my vitality and complexion, I knew that this was the good path to take. For those who wish the same things I wanted then, this would be just as easy to embrace,” Cory recalls.

She wrote a series of best-seller books entitled “Forever Young”, which feature beauty and health tips as well as her own workout programs. Likewise, she also made a fitness video called “Cory Quirino’s Celebrity Workout for Beginners”.

For her, living in the 21st century has its challenges. She says: “The best way to live long and be well is to live a natural life.”

Truly, for a natural woman like Cory, her crowning glory deserves nothing but a world-class natural remedy that is NOVUHAIR.

NOVUHAIR is available at Mercury Drug and other leading drugstores nationwide. You may also have the product delivered right at your doorstep through Lazada at

For more information, contact NOVUHAIR hotlines at 413.6570 and 0922.8830575, visit, and Facebook Page: Novuhair Official. #choosenatural #ichoosenatural #novuhair #naturalwoman


♥️Mama Farrah